Here are some steps to go through when starting a git repo.
1. Enter the directory which is going to be the repository
2. Create a .gitignore file - Some good rules #change this
3. git init
4. git add . #link to blog on add
5. git commit -m 'Initial commit'6. Now on the git hosting site (e.g. Bitbucket ) create the repo, I prefer lowercase names without spaces.7. git push -u origin master #link to blog on git push
Now to clone:git clone "paths-to-repo"
1. Enter the directory which is going to be the repository
2. Create a .gitignore file - Some good rules #change this
3. git init
4. git add . #link to blog on add
5. git commit -m 'Initial commit'6. Now on the git hosting site (e.g. Bitbucket ) create the repo, I prefer lowercase names without spaces.7. git push -u origin master #link to blog on git push
Now to clone:git clone "paths-to-repo"